Thursday, November 29, 2012

home, umami home

Note: The title of this post has nothing to do with the 305, in case you read it wrong.

As a wise man once told me, "Home is where you make it," and this year has produced a lot of definitions of the word "home." I returned to my family's house after graduation, but almost immediately began hopping all over the place--visiting friends around the state, living with family in Italy, etc.--and thus had one sort of home base but multiple homes (does that make sense?).

Nowadays, I find myself thousands of miles from my actual house in Florida, but for an extended-enough period of time that I must, for sanity's sake, make a home out of this place as well. I recently realized that I never shared what my digs even looks like here, so here ya go, a little inside scoop. It isn't surprising that I'm only getting around to sharing this old news just days before I head back to the 'States for the holiday break. Oh well.

This is the courtyard I encounter upon entering my college.

The view from my window. (We're "looking" across toward the courtyard pictured above)

Here are some shots of the inside of my room in the first couple days of inhabitation. It looks a little different now, but you get the idea:

So there you have it. Simple college livin, even as a big fancy Masters student. I quite like my college, and there's a lot to the small campus that I haven't shared here (the dining hall, "Common Room," student lounge, college bar, etc.). You'll just have to come visit and see it for yourself :)


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